After School Activities



Music is the voice of the soul at Aravinda we believe that everybody should be reasonably good at singing. We have classes for learning light classical sons right from the 1st standard till 10th standard. On all important functions, students get a chance to sing the songs they have learnt. 

Music helps him to develop a sensitivity, a fineness of being. He discovers the joy inherent in music and this develops his personality and gives him an additional skill. 

Those who are especially talented in singing are given ample opportunity to participate in various competitive events and our students have won prizes regularly.


Drama is an integral part of the education program at Aravinda. We know the supreme importance of Drama. It is drama that gives stage confidence, leads to personality development, self-confidence and great joy. 

The first way in which we carry out dramatic activities is in the language teaching curriculum.

We teach Vocabulary and Spoken English through role plays in the regular classes.

Apart from this we have a cyclic system wherein various sections carry out stage performances. We call them “expressions”. In the expressions program students prepare themselves to deliver their dialogues whether English, Hindi or Telugu with perfect intonation feeling and accent.

Our dramas are presented keeping high standards. Everybody gets a chance. It is due to dramas implemented so methodically, that the children at Aravinda are free from fear, active in mind and have the ability to come forward and take initiative. Children at Aravinda are happy!



Art and Craft develops visual sense to high degree. It develops an active mind that SEES! Without a proper training in Art and Craft the child would be a poor in visualization.

At Aravinda we believe that everybody can be reasonably good in Art and Craft. In painting we give stress on Anatomy and perspective and teach these concepts scientifically. Coloring and shading are also taught delicately and carefully. 

To teach these difficult skills and methods, Aravinda invites painting faculty from outside. These Art teachers are established painters and it is they who have the passion, knowledge and interest to impart the crucial skills.

Craft is delicate micro engineering. Craft integrates the hand and the brain and there is a strange development that takes place in a child who learn Craft. He feels one with the things around him.

He becomes a natural engineer and knows that things can be manipulated to serve a purpose. Needless to say, Craft gives him a very deep joy and this transforms is inner personality and makes him confident with his hands and mind.



Madam will write and editing by Narendra.

In Aravinda, the NGC is basically structured to form a network, to evolve on effective method, to make the community participate in the protection and conservation of environmental resources since NGC is a national programme, we in our school, have formed the NGC committee with the help of Green Teachers and Green soldiers.

Some of the NGC activities themes : 

Conducting awareness programmes in the village through dance ballets, dramas and puppetry.

Sending all the waste material to the recycling centers. 

Supplying saplings to the villages.

Rallies carrying the message of environmental clear lines.

Study and conservation of Eco-systems.

Motivating the students and parents for soundless Diwali.

Making clay Ganesh idols and distribution to all the students.

‘No Plastic’ campaigns and maximum reduction of plastic in school campus.

Conduction environmental Exhibitions.

Annual auditions of air, water, energy, waste and soil in the school.



Sports give a break and also develops a healthy balance of mind and body.


Aravinda has facilities for Foot ball, Volleyball, Shuttle, Batmintin, Kabadi, Athletics and sports. Everyone the school conducts the ‘Sports Day’ with amazing events, students are sent to zonal sports meet everyday and their performance in remarkable. Nearby canals are used for swimming during the season. Hostel students go far trekking to nearby hills.